Montgomery County health, human services director promoted to co-deputy chief operating officer

NORRISTOWN — Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services Director Dr. Tamra Williams has taken on another leadership role as co-deputy chief operating officer, Montgomery County officials announced.

Williams will join co-Deputy Chief Operating Officer Tom Bonner in overseeing county departments that employ nearly 3,000 people, according to a county spokesperson.

“I have a deep appreciation for the magnitude and scope of serving the third most populous county in Pennsylvania,” Williams said in a statement.

Montgomery County’s top elected officials applauded the personnel change in a statement issued June 7.

“Dr. Williams is incredibly qualified, and she is also the first woman of color to hold this high-level senior leadership position at the county,” Montgomery County Commissioners’ Chairwoman Jamila Winder said in a statement. “I know she will add her unique perspective and experiences in a way that positively impacts every aspect of the county’s decision-making and operations — from our services and programs to our policies and communication.”

“Welcoming Dr. Tamra Williams on board as deputy chief operating officer is an investment into Montgomery County and its residents as she brings a lot of value and experience to the table,” Montgomery County Commissioner Tom DiBello said in a statement.

“The work done by Montgomery County’s varied departments is diverse and far-reaching, so to take advantage of the unique and specialized skills possessed by our new DCOO is exciting,” Montgomery County Commissioners’ Vice Chairman Neil Makhija said in a statement. “I know that she will lead county operations constructively and creatively as we embark on new projects for our residents and work together to achieve our goals for the county.”

The move comes more roughly six months after Barbara O’Malley resigned, to take a top leadership position in Delaware County. Williams assumed the health-related position in November 2022.

Bonner currently manages administrative operations over several county entities, including the assets and infrastructure, human resources, information and technology solutions, purchasing, the recovery office, and security, according to a county spokesperson. He’s held the position since August 2023.

Williams, a clinical psychologist, has 15 years of experience working in the behavioral health field, and previously served as chief clinical officer of the Philadelphia-based Community Behavioral Health. Williams has also worked in county government and nonprofits.

Williams will continue leading the county’s health and human services department until a permanent replacement is hired, according to a county spokesperson. Williams’ responsibilities also include overseeing the county’s correctional facility, public defender’s office, public safety department, and youth center.

“I look forward to continued collaboration with residential, municipal, and political communities to ensure that Montgomery County remains an innovative leader in promoting economic stability and growth through health, wellness, and justice-related programs,” Williams said.

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