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Philadelphia Art Museum recognizes longtime board chair Leslie Anne Miller

Hundreds, including former Governor, recognize longtime leader

Former Governor Tom Wolf and his wife First Lady Frances Wolf (far right) attended Leslie Anne Miller's recognition event for her extraordinary seven-year tenure as Chair of the Board of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. (Photo by Maggie Corcoran)
Former Governor Tom Wolf and his wife First Lady Frances Wolf (far right) attended Leslie Anne Miller’s recognition event for her extraordinary seven-year tenure as Chair of the Board of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. (Photo by Maggie Corcoran)

On November 15 a reception and recognition event was held to honor Leslie Anne Miller for her seven-year tenure as Chair of the Board of Trustees for the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Hosted in the Great Stair Hall over 225 guests came to pay tribute and give recognition to Leslie Anne Miller.

  • A sign greeted visitors to the Leslie Anne Miller recognition...

    A sign greeted visitors to the Leslie Anne Miller recognition event for her extraordinary seven-year tenure as Chair of the Board of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. (Photo by Maggie Corcoran)

  • Ron Caplan and his wife Ellen, Philadelphia Museum of Art...

    Ron Caplan and his wife Ellen, Philadelphia Museum of Art board chair, chat with Amachie Ackah ah at the Leslie Anne Miller recognition event. (Photo by Maggie Corcoran)

  • Sasha Suda spends time with Julia Fleischner. (Photo by Maggie...

    Sasha Suda spends time with Julia Fleischner. (Photo by Maggie Corcoran)

  • Richard Worley (far right) spends time with his daughter, Beth...

    Richard Worley (far right) spends time with his daughter, Beth Worley, and his granddaughter Lucy Farman-Farmaian after speeches, accolades and a movie about his wife Leslie Anne Miller thanking her for her tireless work for the Philadelphia Museum of Art. (Photo by Maggie Corcoran)

  • Event co-chairs Ellen Caplan and Anne Hamilton (far right) spend...

    Event co-chairs Ellen Caplan and Anne Hamilton (far right) spend time with friend and the board chair of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Leslie Anne Miller. (Photo by Maggie Corcoran)



The evening included a video and speeches about Leslie.

  • Connie Williams, former chair of the board of the Philadelphia...

    Connie Williams, former chair of the board of the Philadelphia Museum of Art spends time with Jane Pepper at the retirement event for Leslie Anne Miller, former chair of the board of the Philadelphia Museum of Art . (Photo by Maggie Corcoran)

  • Ellen Caplan, new chair of the Philadelphia Museum of Art,...

    Ellen Caplan, new chair of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Sarah Miller Coulson, Leslie Anne Miller and Anne Hamilton. (Photo by Maggie Corcoran)

  • The audience applauds Leslie Anne Miller at the Philadelphia Museum...

    The audience applauds Leslie Anne Miller at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. (Photo by Maggie Corcoran)

  • Richard Worley addresses the crowd with compliments about his wife,...

    Richard Worley addresses the crowd with compliments about his wife, Leslie Anne Miller, at her retirement reception from the Philadelphia Museum of Art. (Photo by Maggie Corcoran)



Phrases like ‘she is a natural leader,’ ‘don’t get any better than this,’ ‘clear and direct guidance,’ ‘commitment to the museum,’ ‘she always rose to the occasion,’ and ‘brilliant’ were used to describe Leslie’s contribution.

  • Timothy Rub, former director and chief executive of the Philadelphia...

    Timothy Rub, former director and chief executive of the Philadelphia Museum of Art spends time with Cathy Cahill, president and CEO of the Mann Center for Performing Arts at the Leslie Anne Miller retirement event as board chair of Philadelphia Museum of Art. (Photo by Maggie Corcoran)

  • Leslie Anne Miller gives a hug to Erin O'Donnell at...

    Leslie Anne Miller gives a hug to Erin O'Donnell at her retirement event at the Philadelphia Art Museum. (Photo by Maggie Corcoran)

  • Filiz Leigh, Philadelphia Museum of Art chats with Irene Hannan...

    Filiz Leigh, Philadelphia Museum of Art chats with Irene Hannan at the Leslie Anne Miller retirement event. (Photo by Maggie Corcoran)



In the end what else could be said but thank you we are enormously grateful for your contributions, leadership, and the work you did for us and the Philadelphia Art Museum!