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Keep your eyes wide open for chances to make a difference in someone’s life: “To God be the glory.” (Wikimedia Commons)
Keep your eyes wide open for chances to make a difference in someone’s life: “To God be the glory.” (Wikimedia Commons)

Recently, my residents and I were part of a trip to a museum and restaurant in the heart of downtown Philadelphia. In actuality, seven Acts communities took part in this trip, meeting at the African American Museum for a joint venture.

My community, Brittany Pointe, shared a bus with one of our sister communities, and their Life Engagement Director Louis was onboard as well.

After the museum, we all shared a delicious lunch at a local restaurant. The hot sandwich buffet was a hit, with all the trimmings. As with any buffet, there are inevitably leftovers, and ours was no exception. Normally, those leftovers get trashed. But in our case, my coworker and friend Louis saw an opportunity that none of the rest of us saw.

Unbeknownst to anyone, he asked the restaurant personnel for to-go containers for the 12 or so sandwiches remaining. While our residents boarded the bus, he busily loaded up the sandwiches with a little help but with no explanation or fanfare. I could not fathom why he needed so much food. But I was set on the task of making sure we had everyone on board, so I didn’t ask questions.

His purpose soon became clear. He had asked our bus driver to stop every time she saw a homeless person. Our driver complied. Each time, my friend hopped off the bus and asked each person if they would like a hot sandwich.

The smiles and thank you’s he received were heartwarming. As he gave the food out, he smiled and told each person “God bless you.” This continued until he no longer had any food left. It did not take too long. As he climbed back on the bus that last time, the residents broke out in thunderous applause.

He very humbly turned and merely said, “To God be the glory.”

What a perfect example of loving kindness and generosity! This was not a planned stunt or showy gesture. It came from his heart. He saw an opportunity to make a difference in others’ lives, and he was inspired to grab it. His humility was what touched me the most. And his faith.

I am grateful to my friend for reminding me that we all have the ability to make a huge difference in someone else’s life. We just have to be open to seeing those opportunities. I am inspired to keep my eyes open wide, and in that way, see the opportunities that may come my way.

“To God be the glory.”