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The amazing thing with the interviews televised on MSNBC and CNN is that even the parents mourning for their children who had been gunned down, either fleeing from the terrorists at the concert venue or running across an open field, or trying to escape from a bunker after terrorists had thrown grenades and bombs inside only to be gunned down as they fled — these grieving parents and relatives all said the same thing: they still want peace.
Because the lifeline has grown so in the past couple of decades, people who once retired at 65 or 70 are now starting new careers. Creating new businesses. Publishing books. Joining organizations or starting new ones.
The question is — how can so many voters still insist on supporting Trump, or “Donald Duck” as Christie called him during the Republican primary debate?

I mean — how many more crimes must Trump be accused of before reality hits his cult enthusiasts? And do his followers all have driver’s licenses! With such poor judgment, how are they allowed to drive?
Commissioner Moskowitz praised Governor Shapiro and his team as being very responsive, especially in this threatening situation.
“A key ‘lesson learned’ relates to the importance of emergency communication and the methods of delivering information to residents in situations such as this. It is crucial to ensure specific messages being sent out are totally accurate, clear and concise, but that are also timely – which requires a real balance."
There are as many ways of observing this 9/11 anniversary as there are relatives, friends, co-workers and survivors of the destruction of the World Trade Centers on that fateful day.
Blowing the shofar is something we all look forward to each year. Special foods are offered, like the round challah (to represent life) and honey and apples and, of course, gefilte fish. The honey is to help guarantee a sweet life in the future.