Do you know a student who paints, draws, sews, or writes poetry? Or, who does 3D printing, Minecraft, or digital art? And, who studies Latin or Greek?
If you do, then the Philadelphia Classical Society Annual Latin – and Greek – Contests are a fun and creative way to enrich in-class learning with explorations of material culture.
First, an explanation of “Sanctus Rudolphus.” Dr. Rudolph Masciantonio formed a trust, administered by Philadelphia Foundation, so money can be distributed to various non-profit organizations specializing in the cultivation of the languages and cultures of ancient Greece and Rome.
Other organizations or institutions receiving funds include Penn Museum, University of Pennsylvania Classics, Temple University Classics, The Classical Association of the Atlantic States, The Society for Classical Studies, The Classical Association of the Middle and Western States, The Classical Association of New England, American Classical League, and several others.
In the instance of PCS, the funding from Sanctus Rudolphus, an appreciative term of endearment, will subsidize the registration fees for schools and individual students.
Teachers of Latin and Greek can enroll all their students for a subsidized fee of $25, and students whose teachers decide not to participate can register easily in any of the twenty project categories for a fee of $5.
REGISTRATION FOR LATIN WEEK is now open until February 1 (registration & details will be posted on the PCS website,
The annual T-SHIRT APHORISM, “in memoriam” Dr. Lynn Ennis Iozzo, The Shipley School, has been selected, “Una hirundo non facit ver.” Publilius Syrus tells us, “One Swallow bird does not make Spring.”
Students will illustrate the aphorism for the judges to select the winning design which will be silk-screened on a t-shirt in the school colors of the student.
There is also a Notepad Design contest, with the winning illustration to be imprinted on notepads for distribution to the participating schools.
The 84th Annual LATIN WEEK will take place from February 19-25, with “Judging Day” to occur on Saturday, February 25 (the “Snow Day” is set for Saturday, March 4) at a venue in the Main Line.
Drexelbrook Catering will again host the Annual Latin Week Awards Luncheon on Saturday, April 29.
Since its founding in 1924, in addition to the student contests, The Philadelphia Classical Society has been offering opportunities for developing pedagogy, connections, and creative ways of promoting the study of the Latin and Greek languages and the cultures of the Ancient Mediterranean.
PCS Officers and Board Members are President Mary Brown (SJU), First VP Mary Jane Koons (“Emerita,” Upper Dublin H.S.), Second VP Dr. Andrew Fenton (The Haverford School), Treasurer Meghan Quinn McKee (LMSD Black Rock Middle School), Latin Week Co-Ordinator Jeannette Keshishian (The Baldwin School), and Web Manager Dr. Valentina DeNardis (Villanova University).
Registration for LATIN – AND GREEK – WEEK and membership information for teachers and students are also available by emailing Mary Brown,
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