PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The National Association of Water Companies has adopted a core set of principles designed to advance water equity across the nation. The principles were developed by an NAWC Affordability Working group after recognizing the economic fallout experienced by many during the pandemic.
NAWC members are committed to water equity, defined as a belief that everyone should have access to water that is safe, clean and reliable. In an effort to better communicate the core beliefs and priorities driving the regulated water industry’s ongoing efforts to advance water equity, NAWC convened a working group earlier this year to develop NAWC’s Five Principles for Water Equity. These principles are just one piece of a broader effort to better diagnose the challenges facing customers and water providers in order to shape effective solutions.
“The importance of access to clean, safe and reliable water has been underscored during this pandemic and remains a pillar of public health,” said NAWC President and CEO Robert F. Powelson. While our member companies’ services are affordable, there will always be some customers who struggle to pay. By formalizing our guiding principles for advancing water equity and developing these new resources on the topic, we’re making clear that we are committed to water quality and to taking action that improves access for all.
The principles, detailed in a policy statement on the website, are summarized as follows:
NAWC Water Equity Priorities Resource Center: NAWC launched a resource center that contains current objectives, and efforts to date to advance water equity in the communities served by America’s water companies across the nation. Drawing on the work done by the Affordability Working Group, the new web page features the Five Principles and offers additional resources dedicated to highlighting the opportunities for solutions at the state and federal level that would advance the critical mission of achieving water equity.
For more information on NAWC’s water equity advocacy efforts and to view the new resources, please visit
National Association of Water Companies (NAWC) member companies safeguard public health and promote environmental stewardship as they serve the water and wastewater needs of nearly 73 million Americans every day. NAWC members have an exceptional record of compliance with federal and state health and environmental regulations. Ensuring this high standard of quality requires extraordinary amounts of capital investment. The 10 largest NAWC member companies collectively invest nearly $3.7 billion per year annually to ensure their water infrastructure is well maintained and that safe and clean drinking water is available whenever needed. Learn more about NAWC and the companies we proudly represent at or follow on Twitter and LinkedIn.
SOURCE National Association of Water Companies
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