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Village View: Rep. Daley hosts New Pennsylvania Project reception

  • Guests included elected Blue Bell official Joyce Keller; Nancy Ginter;...

    Photo courtesy of Joyce Keller

    Guests included elected Blue Bell official Joyce Keller; Nancy Ginter; and columnist Bonnie Squires.

  • Speakers at the garden reception hosted by Rep. Mary Jo...

    Photo by Bonnie Squires

    Speakers at the garden reception hosted by Rep. Mary Jo Daley for the New Pennsylvania Project featured (l to r) Rep. Daley; Rep. Patty Kim of Harrisburg; NPP Executive Director Kadida Kenner; and State Senator Sharif Street.



Have you been noticing that while the Republicans these days are mainly naysayers, the Democrats and Democratic Party are the eternal optimists? A prime example is State Representative Mary Jo Daley. She recently hosted a gathering at her home – outdoors, of course – to introduce people to the New Pennsylvania Project.

Now I confess that until Rep. Daley reached out to me, I had never heard of the NPP. Oh, I have been following the Republican efforts across the nation to pass abominable laws, suppressing voter registration and allowing for elected voter registration officials to overturn true election returns and substitute their own version!

And January 6 and the Insurrection are not very far from most people’s minds these days.

But the New Pennsylvania Project (NPP) was founded in May 2021 to expand Pennsylvania’s electorate, so it reflects the Commonwealth’s demographically changing population. In the next four years, NPP will engage and empower young residents and those living in under-represented and often neglected communities of color and immigrant communities. The goal is to register them to vote, provide education about the issues that matter in their neighborhoods, and mobilize people to vote in every election – twice a year.

The New Pennsylvania Project is modeled in homage to the New Georgia Project and Fair Fight Georgia, both organizations founded by former Georgia gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams. Both organizations played leading roles in changing the Georgia electorate, and enabled historic Democratic victories in the 2020 Presidential Election and secured the majority in the United States Senate. You all must have seen many times on MSNBC and CNN and other networks the two Georgia Democrats – Senator Jon Ossoff and Senator Raphael Warnock. They make good points and are each well spoken – and seem to be good friends despite the age difference between them.

Rep. Daley had invited state Senator Sharif Street, the vice-chairman of the Pennsylvania Democratic Committee, to be one of the featured speakers at the garden party reception. Senator Street talked about diversity and what an outstanding example Georgia was. “We want full participation for everybody,” he said. He said that Democrats believe our ideas will win. And we need people participating from all walks of life. “If we cannot win with everyone participating, then we should not win.”

Senator Street talked about the need for having an immigration policy which welcomes people in a fair way. He talked about the fact that even members of the NRA do not support high-powered hunting rifles for everyday use, And he knows that people believe sick people should receive health care. He cited overwhelming support for this belief.

State Representative Patty Kim from Harrisburg was also a guest speaker. She serves on the board of the New Pennsylvania Project. And the executive director of NPP Kadida Kenner, explained the purpose of the fairly new organization.

“All elections matter,” is Kenner’s motto. “We are a voters rights organization, but also a voter registration organization.” As such, she promises literature and volunteers who speak English Spanish and Chinese. She knows this will not be an overnight change.

Ms. Kenner asked the dozens of people who were in attendance for a commitment of funds and a promise to commit to knocking on doors to distribute literature and answer questions about candidates, issues and the election process, including applying for ballots.

Then Ms. Kenner held up a poster with Bayard Rustin featured on it, saying she carries that poster with her wherever she goes. She explained that back in the 1960s, Rustin got 500,000 people to join him in Washington, DC, and that was without any social media – which had not yet been invented! The fantastically successful march was for jobs and equality.

We should give credit to Rep. Daley’s husband, Bob Winkelman as well, who became a gourmet pizza chef for the event, hauling specialty pizzas which were covered with asparagus and other greens and cheeses, out of a special oven in the back yard .

Ms. Kenner ended by saying she hopes to be out of a job by 2024, having successfully encouraged millions of Pennsylvania residents to register and vote – Democratic of course!

For information please visit the NPP Website: