An epic story. A woman worth emulating.
Cabrini is a celebration of courage, strength, conviction, and bravery.
And wow, is it inspiring!
Much of the success of this beautiful film is due to the gorgeous cinematography, the marvelous acting and the terrific music, including a moving duet by Andrea Bocelli and his daughter Virginia, all of which was lauded at the star-studded premiere on Saturday, February 24 at the United Artists King of Prussia.
The director, Alejandro Gomez Monteverde emphasized the faith and the genius of Bryn Mawr’s Eustace Wolfington in bringing this film to fruition.
Eustace is the Executive Producer, but also the instigator, the visionary, the heart and soul of the movie.
In many ways he is like Francesca Cabrini herself — with gentle persistence, he got the job done. He is too humble to want me to say more.
All I can say is: “Go see ‘Cabrini.'” She will fill your heart and soul!
For more information about ‘Cabrini,’ a film by Angel Studios, visit