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Main Line Banter: Méfiez-vous le lendemain 2024 du 5 Novembre!

Picturing the future, after 2024 election


Pardon my French (headline, that is) but it just seems ironically appropriate to use the language favored in International diplomatic relations to herald today’s column of personal thoughts and opinion about our national political discourse.

First, for the record (because English still is recognized as the principal language of record within our tottering Republic,) the English translation of the headline is: Beware of the day after November 5th — 2024!

Hey! We are only days away from voting in statewide and municipal elections, So, what’s that all the fuss about a year from now, you ask?

Permit me to explain, Messer’s and Madame’s, s’il vous plaÎt.

First, we encourage all eligible Main Liners to cast ballots via email or in-person in the important municipal elections coming up on November 4 (this year). Your vote is critical to deciding state and county judgeships, as well as a plethora of county and township administrators who make up your local government.

All too often, the turnout at these elections is anemic. Sadly, the largest percentage of eligible voters doesn’t exercise their important privilege.

Voting for judges, DAs, commissioners, supervisors, councilpersons, “row officers” and others who represent you in a wide variety of matters takes place, and life goes on.

That said (and returning to our French declaration) all eyes of the nation and the world already are riveted on America’s 2024 November 5th Presidential election, (God willing we all make it that far) it seems altogether plausible that day will most likely have greater world-wide repercussions than ever before.

Consider this frightful scenario:

  • Tens of millions of ballots are cast and counted. At the end of the day, the election is too close to call. Or, even worse, a call is made, but immediately contested! (Oops, seem familiar?)
  • The popular vote and the Electoral College count are challenged as non- acceptable to one or the other presidential parties or candidates. (Oops, again.) And, then on November 6th:
  • Pandemonium fueled by avid supporters and outsiders in both parties, and elsewhere, breaks loose throughout the land! (Where have I heard this before!)

That eerie specter in this homespun hypothesis may not be the trigger unleashing a “doomsday scenario” but, as we’ve already seen and heard the “old saw” that “It’s close enough for government work!”

“Pandemonium” (and the word is not even of French origin) may be a strong word to even suggest, but as we seem to be hearing of no end to growing nationwide civil unrest about “social justice:” What else can one name the burning and looting of major cities (anarchy and criminal) like Philadelphia, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, New York and many other urban centers nationwide?

At the same time, police departments are hanging out “help wanted” signs, officers are being vilified, chiefs are retiring early, and resigning, cities and municipalities are drafting new “rules of conduct” for policing actions, and criminals are becoming more daring in perpetrating their illegal misdemeanors and felonies. What makes sense about that?

It often has been quoted throughout the last century that should the American Democracy fail, and we lose our cherished freedoms, it would not be because of foreign armies, but because of enemies within.

If there were a six-pack of major considerations inherent in our “mythical surreal scenario,” it would include these:

1) Consider that there has been a growing restless environment of distrust, and even individual and collective hatred, roiling around The Beltway and major urban centers (including the Delaware Valley) for years.

2) Consider that conflictive and combatant words and phrases are rampant and repeatedly on record everywhere throughout today’s unrestrained political narrative, mainstream media coverage, and social media platforms, blogs, and disinformation sites.

3) Consider that the parties en masse (another French word, non?)) the declared and presumptive Presidential candidates, themselves, and their zealous acolytes and outriders are speaking out loudly and bitterly on the full gamut of domestic issues like gun control, healthcare, education and personal freedoms, and the list goes on. All of which is coalescing into a Jeremiad -like prophecy: “Our Democracy Is at Stake!”

4) Consider that the ravaging COVID-19 virus and its trail of tragedy still plagues the world after more than three years… and the dramatic impact it has had on the global economy and jobs, psyche and soul.

5) Consider the accelerating national civil unrest (peaceful protests to some, outbreaks of anarchy to others) antisemitism and other hate crimes lashing out almost unabated in many urban areas from coast to coast.

6) Consider turbulent weather changes and phenomena (foul weather always begets foul states of mind) enveloping the globe, causing an increase in natural disasters. Like wildfires, upstart tornadoes, beach erosions, unprecedented flooding, and more.

All of these considerations constitute a poisonous recipe not afar from the foments that emboldened the French peasantry to revolt against their 18th Century monarchy. (The complexities of which are too numerous to mention in the space for this column).

As said at the beginning of today’s column, unparalleled historic days in the life of our nation are unfolding before our very eyes. In only a matter of months, we will participate in choosing an uncertain future.

The question is: what kind of future will it be?


Finally, nobody asked me, but Dale Carnegie (a true optimist) may have been right when he said: “Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.”

The Last Word: Good day, good luck, and good news tomorrow!

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