February is known for several things: cold weather, Groundhog Day and Valentine’s Day, just to name a few.
But did you know that there is a week dedicated to random acts of kindness in February? It is no coincidence that it begins on Feb. 14, a day of love, and ends on Feb. 20. Feb. 17 is designated as Random Acts of Kindness Day.
I would hope that most of us do not need a designated day or week to remind us to share kindness with as many people as possible. But I do like this concept.
Kindness is contagious. The more you share it, the more it grows.
It reminds me of a spider spinning a web. It is fascinating to watch. The spider begins by setting up a secure frame and then weaves from the center outward, working its way towards the edges. The web grows and grows.
Kindness is sort of like that. If you are kind to one person, they, in turn, may show kindness to someone else, and so on and so on. You are the center of your own web of kindness. Your thoughtfulness will inspire others to extend goodwill and generosity to people they encounter.
We each have lots of opportunities on a daily basis to help those around us, both people we know and complete strangers.
Think about the times you have been the recipient of unexpected kindness. It leaves you with a warmth and a smile, and makes you want to pay it forward.
Even if it is just the sharing of a smile with someone you pass by, holding a door for someone around you or even helping to clear snow from your elderly neighbor’s walkway. Small tokens of humanity go a long way.
Sometimes I think we have become jaded, surrounded by the bad news on social media or television. We are overwhelmed by the hatred that exists in the world or even in our area. It’s easy to lose heart and give in to sadness.
But how about if we work together to build a web of kindness? Each of us, at the heart of our own web, can grow kindness, little by little. And if enough of us do that, our webs will start to intersect, our loving acts will forge together to overcome the negativity that exists around us.
Perhaps I am a dreamer, but I will never give up hope that we can find peace through kindness and love. I know it won’t be easy.
But if we can just persevere through tough times and respond to adversity with kindness, we might just stand a chance to contribute to a better world. Certainly, it’s not easy.
I am a work in progress. If someone cuts me off in traffic, or doesn’t respond when I let them into my lane, or runs a red light and comes close to hitting me… I try really hard not to respond in anger.
I try to consider that maybe they have an emergency situation that they are rushing to address, maybe they truly were distracted by some bad news or another situation, of which I cannot possibly know. By giving them the benefit of the doubt, I keep my cool and do not respond in anger.
It’s a small thing, but if we can master that, we contribute to peace on the roadways. And peace anywhere is a good thing.
So, celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day every day, and help us weave a foundation of peace, one kindness at a time.