Confession: I do not celebrate the arrest and indictment of Donald J. Trump.
“There is no joy in Mudville – Mighty Casey has struck out!” That poem may be about baseball, but it also can be about politics. Like trump supporters who must have suffered grievously in watching their cult leader, Donald J. Trump, looking so miserable and uncomfortable, sandwiched between lawyers, as he was arrested and indicted in Manhattan.
Thirty-four felony counts are contained in the indictment, which was presented when Trump turned himself in and was arrested and charged.
Most of the felony charges are identical, but here is a sample, straight from the indictment:
“AND THE GRAND JURY AFORESAID, by this indictment, further accuses the defendant of the crime of FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE FIRST DEGREE, in violation of Penal Law §175.10, committed as follows:
The defendant, in the County of New York and elsewhere, on or about June 16, 2017, through June 19, 2017, with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission thereof, made and caused a false entry in the business records of an enterprise, to wit, an invoice from Michael Cohen dated June 16, 2017, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump, and kept and maintained by the Trump Organization.”
Now I freely confess that I am not a lawyer. Although I did audit several law classes when I worked at Temple University a long time ago. But none of the courses I audited were business law classes.
The Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, has an outstanding reputation, and I doubt that he would have taken on a culprit as mean-spirited and threatening ast Trump if he and his entire staff were not certain that the Grand Jury had read it right.
Consider also the fact that Trump has had to hire a whole new team of lawyers, as this Grand Jury indictment is very serious business. And the likes of Rudy Giuliani, and what he has devolved into, cannot help Trump at this juncture.
Okay, so Michael Cohen knew he was breaking the law when he handed the $130,000 pay-off to Stormy Daniels, the porn star (I love it when the mainstream media use “adult film star” instead of the more accurate description of what Ms. Daniels did, or is doing, for a living). Paying her for her silence, right before the 2016 Presidential election. You know, the election which Trump has repeatedly lied about, claiming it was “stolen” from him.
And yes, I got tired of seeing Michael Cohen try to defend his own criminal behavior, for which he paid dearly in terms of serving a jail sentence, on every television show and radio podcast he could find. Everywhere he could persuade people to look at him and listen to him.
But after Trump’s arrest and indictment and 34 counts of felonies, he flew back to Mar-a-Lago to dine with friends and supporters and give a rolllicking speech, attacking all of his “enemies.” Melania, by the way, was no where in sight. Neither was favorite daughter Ivanka. I guess they had already received their allowances for the month and did not need to show up, pretending to support the ex-President.
The Trump flags and banners and hats and t-shirts, even the ones with the fake mug shots (although Trump had been fingerprinted, he was not subjected to a mug shot) are selling like hot-cakes. I wonder where all that money goes? I am still waiting for an intrepid political reporter to track down how much money Trump has made in selling all the paraphernalia which shows up at his rallies, and which figured prominently in the violent attack on the Capitol on January 6. The day that will live in infamy.
Trump may have convinced himself that he can run for president – again. Even after two impeachment hearings. Even after an arrest and indictment on felony charges. Even after so many people who once worked for him have been arrested, tried, found guilty and served jail-time. Or are still in jail.
Ant then there is the Georgia case waiting for him. And several other major crimes cases. But the man seems to have no conscience, and he has convinced himself, in his never-never land, that he is meant to rule the world.
But this ugly chapter in American life brings me no pleasure. As I said before, “There is no joy in Mudville – Mighty Casey has struck out…”
Bonnie Squires is a communications consultant who writes weekly for Main Line Media News and can be reached at She hosts the “Bonnie’s Beat” TV show at MLTV- MAIN LINE NETWORK